The music
is not simply a passion or
profession, it is
my life


Her full name is Shqiponja, she was born on NOVEMBER 8, 1981, she is married and has a son.
PONI is her childhood name, which was chosen to be also her stage name!
Driven by talent and desire to sing, she graduated from the music school “Naim Frasheri” in Vlora as a singer and in parallel has been engaged in artistic activities at the “Petro Marko” theater in Vlora.
The Vlora Song Festival was her first activity when she was still at school. Then, the doors of the music world would open, where with her voice she would attract the attention and the love of the public.

She worked for 2 years as a music teacher, where she did not just teach music lessons to the children, but she cultivated their love for the music in general and especially the folk songs of Laberia region in particular!

In parallel with her professional growth, ranking among the best singers in the Albanian-speaking areas, she studied and graduated on Political Sciences from the University “Marin Barleti”.

Her career counts 7 albums and hundreds of concerts, in country and abroad, such as: America, Australia, Italy, Greece, Germany, France, Norway, etc.






Prizes & Awards




Prizes and Awards

that she has received, have marked her success as a professional singer:

In 2006

She participated in the TOP FEST 4 Festival. She was awarded 2 prizes: “Internet” Prize, with the song “As a rose” (Si trendafil), as the most voted song on the Internet and the Prize “Best Female”, ranking second among over 100 competing songs. This prize confirmed her success as a professional singer.

In 2011

She received the award “Gratitude for the dignifying promotion of the Vlora folk song”.

In 2012

With the song “Albania is ours” (Është e jona Shqipëria), she was awarded the First Prize at the Folk Song Festival “Nota Fest”, in Skopje.

In 2012

She was honored by the Laberia Association, as “Exerciser of the cultural values of the Laberia Region, especially of the Vlora and Laberia region songs”.

In 2012

She received the award as “The best folk song video clip” in the festival “Albanian Clip Nights 11” (with the video clip “My word is the song” (Fjala ime është kënga)).

Author of 20 lyrics

Including the music for some of the songs:

  • Exile, oh mother (Kurbeti moj neno)
  • Will get a boy from Laberia (Do marr djale nga Laberia)
  • Laberi, oh Laberi (Laberi moj Laberi)
  • I try and try (Jap e jap)
  • Opa opa
  • Beloved (Xhan xhan)
  • Vlora’s diamond (Diamanti i Vlores)
  • Come and take me (Eja me merr)
  • Welcome (Mire se vjen)
  • Will get it from Vlora (Ja e marr nga Vlora)
  • Polyphony (Polifonia)
  • I am from Laberia (Une jam nga Laberia)
  • Wait, wait (Dale Dale) (with 2-Step)
  • Be bold (Beja fora)
  • BIO
  • Americano (with 2-Step)
  • You gave me the name Mother (Me dhe emrin nene)



The album entitled “Neither yes, nor no” (As po, As Jo)

The album entitled “Neither yes, nor no” (As po, As Jo) was released in 2005. Her first song with the same title, was sung at a prestigious festival in Vlora. This album contained 8 songs.
The most favorite songs from the public were:


The album entitled “Love of Laberia” (Dashuria labe)

The album entitled “Love of Laberia” (Dashuria labe) was released in 2006. This album contained 8 rearranged songs from Laberia region. The songs mostly liked by the public, which were then accompanied by video clips, were:

In December of the same year, a single is released: “Wait for me” (Pritem o) (folk song from Laberia region).


The album entitled “I have my soul on you” (Shpirtin kam tek ju)

The album entitled “I have my soul on you” (Shpirtin kam tek ju) was released in 2008. This album contained 8 songs and 4 video clips. All these were new creations, where for most of them, PONI is also the author of the text. This album was accompanied by 4 video clips:

Highly loved songs by the public!


The album entitled “My word is the song” (Fjala ime eshte kenga)

The album entitled “My word is the song” (Fjala ime eshte kenga) was released in 2010. This album contained… songs, all new creations, and 4 video clips:


The album entitled “Beloved” (Xhan xhan)

The album entitled “Beloved” (Xhan xhan) was released in 2013. This album contained 8 new songs, where in some of them, the author is PONI herself, and 3 video clips:


The album entitled “BIO”

The album entitled “BIO” was released in 2015. This album contained 11 songs, all new creations, and 4 video clips:


The album entitled “Identity” (Identitet)

The album entitled “Identity” was released in 2019. This album contained 7 songs, all new creations, and 4 video clips:


During her artistic activity, a series of successful collaborations with some well-known artists stand out:
